Tag Archives: connecticut

You want to go to the seaside?

22 Mar

Well make sure you bring a little bit home with you!  Remember when I went to Connecticut with two of my best friends a few weeks ago??  Well I brought a piece of Connecticut home with me 🙂  I collected a bunch of the shells from Milford to bring home with me and have in my house to always remind me.  That beach also had some of the most beautiful shells I’ve ever seen.  I cleaned them up and put them in one of my favorite bowls.  It was an easy way to make my home feel more like a home and remind me of my travels.

I’ve never seen shells this perfect come from a west coast beach!

If you see things that you like while on vacation, bring them back with you to make them part of your home.  Now whenever I see this, I’ll think about my awesome time with my friends and hope that I can have more good memories soon with them!

Travel Thursdays – Connecticut

1 Mar

A huge part of going to New York was to see where our dear friend, Fiona, who had moved after falling in love with an East Coast boy.  They met in Las Vegas and while she was living in CA at the time, she moved to Connecticut to be with him.  They are now engaged and getting married this summer!  Shannon and I really wanted to get out there and see them before the big wedding (and they will probably move back to CA after they are married).  What better time to go then now?  So half of our trip was spent in NY and half in Conn.  My favorite part of seeing Connecticut was when they took us to the beach in Milford where I beach combed for so many beautiful shells.  I loved it.

Driving out of the city.

Quaint church in the small town that Fiona teaches in.

I love the stone that this church is made out of!

On our drive to the sea side, we passed the largest manufacturer of military helicopters!  Couldn’t help but think of my brother.

We’ve arrived at the sea side and damn it was so cute.

Beach houses.

Keepers everywhere, they just needed a little washing 🙂

Beach walks.


They are so cute 🙂

Down time.

I couldn’t ask for better friends.  They are such a huge part of the key to happiness.

Aw the happy couple and best hosts ever!

Crop planes.

Easy coast lovin’ for an adorable lab.