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Puppy wish list

3 Feb

If you know me, this is not new or surprising.  I love animals.  So much.  I wish that I weren’t so busy and could own a dog but I just don’t have a fair enough amount of time to give a pet a home yet.  I know this about myself and feel it’s the best thing for an animal.  I’d hate to leave a dog at home for 12 hours at a time.  So until I can give the quality of life I’d like to give a dog, I somtimes look up cute pictures of puppies that I would adopt in a heartbeat 🙂  Here’s my puppy wish list and a cute way to start the weekend!

French Bulldog


Boston Terrier


Bernese Mountain Dog

Shiba Inu

OK, so who am I kidding?  I want so many more than the ones listed here.  I would really adopt any puppy that I felt was the perfect match for me 🙂  These are all amazingly cute puppies though.  Have a wonderful weekend!
❤ B